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czwartek, 22 grudnia 2016

Big girls cry, tough girls cry...

"Tough girl in the fast lane

No time for love

No time for hate

No drama

No time for games

Tough girl whose soul aches

I'm at home, on my own

Check my phone, nothing, though

Act busy, order in

Pay TV, it's agony

I may cry, ruining my makeup

Wash away all the things you've taken

And I don't care if I don't look pretty

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their heart is breaking

Tough girl, I'm in pain

It's lonely at the top

Blackouts and airplanes

I still pour you a glass of champagne

Tough girl whose soul aches

I'm at home, on my own

Check my phone, nothing, though

Act busy, order in

Pay TV, it's agony

I may cry, ruining my makeup

Wash away all the things you've taken

And I don't care if I don't look pretty

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

I wake up, I wake up, I wake up

I wake up, I wake up, I wake up

I wake up, I wake up, I wake up

I wake up, I wake up, I wake up

I wake up alone

I may cry, ruining my makeup

Wash away all the things you've taken

And I don't care if I don't look pretty

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry when their heart is breaking"

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